Senior Yearbook Picture Day
Senior Yearbook Picture Day
Senior Picture Retakes are happening today in the UPPER EAST GYM.
No announcements will be made, so follow the schedule and work with your teachers to go get your portrait taken. This is the final opportunity to be in the yearbook--you must have the LifeTouch senior portrait completed. Students should wear school appropriate clothing, with shoulders covered and no graphics visible. No hats or sunglasses; religious headwear allowed. Cadet teachers and Area 31 students should go during a time that fits their schedule. Friday's schedule is pictured.
Friday Schedule
8:30 — A-C
9:00 — D-F
9:30 — G-I
10:00 — J-L
10:30— M-O
11:00-12:30 — Lunch, open to all last names
12:40 — P-R
1:10 — S-U
1:30– V-X
2:00— Y-Z
2:20— last call; open to all last names