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Science Class Subject Guides

Click the tab of the course you are searching for. Return to the AHS Library webpage.


Resource Databases - not available through Google. Citations are done for you on these sites.

Research in Context - great for general research

Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders 

Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders

World Book Encyclopedia

Gale Science in Context


General medical sites - you will need to use a citation generator for these

Medline Plus - published by US Government

National Human Genome Research Institute

Johns Hopkins Medicine

Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center



Citation Generators

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Library Staff

Wendy Kovach, Teacher Librarian
(317) 544-5000 ext. 5031

Cindi Wyen, Library Assistant
(317) 544-5000 ext. 5032

Sonnette Weddle, Library Assistant
(317) 544-5000 ext. 5033


Contact Wendy Kovach via email or Schoology message.


8:05 am-3:45 pm • Monday-Friday